
A number of editorial and refereeing activities are carried out in parallel to the ordinary research activity. Participation to the peer review system is aimed at contributing that only reliable and high quality studies are published, supporting equity and inclusion of researchers in the international community.

Editorial board memberships

Many roles have been performed as an editorial content advisor for scientific publications. This aim is pursued through an active participation in the editorial board of several international journals:

      • Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics

      • Frontiers in Physics, section Biophysics

      • Frontiers in Physiology, section Biophysics

      • International Journal of Molecular Sciences, section Molecular Biophysics

      • Journal of Personalized Medicine, section Mechanisms of Diseases

Refereeing activities

Activity as a referee for the peer-review of scientific manuscripts is carried out on a case-by-case basis, depending on the topic of the studies. Examples include reviews for well known journals in the field of biochemistry (e.g., International Journal of Biological Macromolecules), molecular and structural biology (e.g., Journal of Molecular Biology), medicinal chemistry (e.g., Journal of Medicinal Chemistry), food chemistry (e.g., Food Chemistry), soft matter (e.g., Langmuir), and protein science (e.g., Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics).

Reviewing for grant agencies

From time to time, review activities are carried out for Italian MIUR (Ministry for Education, University and Research) and for other national grant agencies for science foundations in Europe.